New Years Resolution Check-In
We’re officially halfway finished with 2021 already, can you believe it? So, where are you with your New Years resolutions? Are you halfway there? Did they make it past March? If you’re like most of us, most resolutions probably started off strong only to fizzle out within the weeks to come. It’s okay, we’re all only human doing the best we can. Though, if one of your resolutions was to tidy the house and keep it that way then we have some tips to help you get a jump-start on your restart! It’s never a bad time or too late to start over. Having a clean house goes beyond the dishes in the sink or the laundry leftover in the dryer. Having a clean, sanitized house safeguards you and your family and pets from illness, infections and viruses. Here’s what you can do to help you get started:
Clear Out the Clutter
– It never seems to fail that as soon as there’s an empty corner or an open spot in a closet or on the countertop it gets filled again with more junk! We have a serious love-hate relationship with our stuff. We can’t seem to part with it but never seem to have space for it all. But, seriously, before you start trying to cram more clothes into the closet or buying more gadgets and toys take a look around in each room and detail what you could get rid of. Pack some boxes with clothes you no longer need or want and give them to a local shelter or thrift store. Clean out that junk drawer stuffed with random cords and electronics and throw out what is broken or missing pieces. Once you get started, you’ll find it hard to stop!
Pay Attention to Details
– The devil is in the details. What’s that mean? Well, we all know the obvious tasks such as the dishes, vacuuming, dusting the blinds, laundry, changing the bed linens etc. but how often have you cleaned your light switch covers? Or washed the window and shower curtains? There are many less obvious spaces in our home that get neglected from our weekly cleaning regimes. Don’t forget to dust above doorways, wipe the inside of your kitchen drawers, clean underneath your kitchen sink or even clean your vacuum’s hoses and filters. These smaller details can make a huge difference in the overall health of your home.
Inspect Your Indoor Air Quality
– We’ve all been taught the importance of keeping our smoke detector loaded with fresh batteries, but have you ever considered purchasing a Carbon Monoxide detector or testing your home for Radon? These odorless, colorless gasses are responsible for tens of thousands of deaths each year. A Carbon Monoxide detector can be found at your local hardware store and a Radon test kit can likely be purchased through your state’s EPA department.
Little Habits Create Big Changes –
If all this talk about cleaning and organizing has you feeling overwhelmed, then let’s break it down into a more manageable task. Start with a list for each room, list everything from top to bottom that needs to be cleaned or purged. Now, simply set yourself a timer for just 15 mins then pick a room and get started! Experts say it takes about 21 days to form a habit, so commit to it and I bet you’ll be shocked with home much progress you make in just 15 mins a day.
Call Tailored Home Solutions
– Everyone has a lot of their plates these days; we all have jobs, we have to get the kids to soccer practice or a dance recital, bake cookies for the school fundraiser, you may choir practice and let’s not forget you still have to make dinner every night! Stop fretting about getting your home clean and stop cleaning away your precious weekends! Let Tailored Home Solutions take care of keeping your home clean. We have multiple service options available to best fit your needs and budget. Find us on Facebook or give us a call at (859) 363-5546 and our customer service reps will be happy to give you a free, no-obligation quote!